It doesn’t usually hit right away. In the hours and days right after returning from a trip, you’re still coasting around on a cloud of euphoria, filled with the excitement and pleasant memories of the past few days or weeks. And then, after about a week after stepping over your still-packed suitcase for the umpteenth time, the lightness begins to fade, the permanent smile that’s been glued to your face gradually turns downward into a frown, and you start to get really, truly antsy.
Unless you live the lifestyle of a permanent nomad, always on the move, there’s going to come a time when you’re not traveling. When wanderlust strikes, hot and insistent, but your wallet simply has nothing more to give. When “home” becomes the ultimate four-letter word.
The “between-travel” blues have arrived.
If you’re like me and it’s been–gulp!–almost five months or more since you’ve been anywhere and you’re feeling a bit stir crazy, don’t dive headfirst into a pint of Haagen-Dazs Caramel Cone ice cream and eating the whole thing or buy that fiftieth pair of shoes to help you deal with your wanderlust. So what should you do instead? Here’s how to beat the between-travel blues:
Challenge yourself through fitness
Plan to do something ballsy and athletic on your next trip that you’ve never done before. Sign up for a road race like a 5K or a marathon. Plan to climb a mountain. Maybe go scuba diving. Aim for any fitness challenge that’s going to require you to do some training. Not only will training help pass the time between trips, all of that aerobic activity will do your body and mind a world of good.
Make saving money a game
Use a coin jar to save your coins or set aside all of the five-dollar bills you get to ramp up your savings. Find creative ways to make extra money or cut back on your expenses. Who knows? Keeping your eye on the prize might help pass the time until your next adventure and before you know it, you’ll be on your way to your next big trip in no time with a little extra cash in your pocket.
Take short cheap trips close to home and practice the art of observation
If you’re open to adventure, you can find tons of options for short-term, short-distance travel closer to home that can satisfy your travel jones. And while you’re away, why not try practicing the art of observation and honing your senses? Looking, hearing, touching, and eating aren’t the same thing as seeing, listening, feeling, and tasting. Sharpen your senses by really paying attention experiencing your surroundings from a fresh perspective.
Get creative
I created a video from my cross-country road trip from 3 years ago that never fails to put a smile on my face. And although I cannot share it with you here (don’t have a license for the music…bummer), the images and sounds take me back to what was the most amazing six days of my life. Other ideas? Scrapbook. Edit the best of the best of your photos and make yourself a slideshow for your computer at work. Turn all of your receipts and objets trouvés into works of art. Celebrating and sharing past travel memories is a great way to pass the time.
Share someone else’s joy in travel
Although it will be four! long! months! before my next solo trip, I get a such kick out of talking about travel with friends and colleagues who have travel plans between now and then. I’ve learned so much about Turks and Caicos, Panama, and South Africa, places I wasn’t interested in before, and as a result I’m considering putting these places on my own list of desirable destinations.
How do you handle the “between travel” blues?
I’m heading home from a 4 month trip in mere days and already feeling the post-travel blues!!
Wow–4 months! Where’d you go? Do share!!
The saving money as a game thing really works, you can really supprise yourself with how much you can actually save when you have a $5 bill tub and a coin jar. You have to hold back from “borrowing” from it though.
Make sure you get away soon, if you dont then you find the longer you sit complacent the easier it is to become more complacent!
Thanks for the tips, Sandra! And believe me…I can’t wait to get away. I’ve been grounded.far too long! You headed somewhere soon?
I am so totally there right now. It’s been 4-5 months since my last big trip, and I’m feeling extremely restless. I’ve tried everything, from planning a budget for future trips to a weekend trip to a nearby country. It’s not really helping. I have about 1.5 weeks vacation next month, and thanks to the crazy Spring airfares, I have no clue on where to go. One thing is for sure though, I won’t be spending that vacation time at home! My last trip lasted for a month, so I’m interested to see what I can pull off in 1.5 weeks. Great post and thanks for sharing!
Some of the tips I suggested here are nice stop-gap measures but ultimately, the only cure for wanderlust is travel. No two ways about it. At least you’ll be leaving soon. 🙂 Spring break will be here before you know it! Enjoy it!
I really appreciate all the tips in here..Hope you can share more..
These are great ideas, Marsha! I have definitely been in that place you’re talking about and it’s a struggle to not go stir-crazy. I love the idea of doing something creative with the photos/videos/journal entries from past trips. That’s actually how I started blogging. Before that, I wrote “travelogues” that probably only my family and very close friends ever read–if them. I’ve never taken on a fitness challenge while traveling. I may have to consider that one of these days.
How do I handle my in-between travel blues? I use it by researching and planning for my next adventure which for me is to learn Spanish and travel to South America at a time unknown to me at the moment with all the time and commitment that starting university for the first time entails.
It’s been a while for me too since I last traveled but I like to read blogs such as yours to get inspiration and tips. But there are certain songs that I listen to and certain days that I have where there is nothing more that I want to do than just get on a plain and go somewhere, typically South East Asia to Angkor Wat to visit the Buddhist artifacts or just straight to Buenos Aires, Argentina to dance the tango with a beautiful latina woman.
Until the day comes when I actually get to do those things, I can always keep dreaming. For everything else there’s Mastercard:)
Matt–hope your trip to South America is soon! I know you’ve been planning it for a while now, so I hope it’s sooner rather than later. Glad you’re inspired by the blog, even just a little bit.
I also hadn’t thought about doing the fitness thing. That would be kind of fun and might actually get me into a workout routine haha. I enjoy the planning of a trip so I will often research and check out online activities that are available for my next trip and/or where I would like to go after that trip. I’m always trying to figure out my next trip. I am a HUGE scrapbooker so that takes up time as well and helps. I also have done the short trips, whether they be a day trip somewhere or a weekend trip close by. My next trip won’t be until May, but I am hoping to go to Omaha or Cincinnati before that, both are within an easy drive from where I live. I also have a shoebox where I throw in dollar bills and when I go on my next trip I dump them out and count them up. It even amazes me how much all that little change can add up :).
Yes, I’ll admit…having a fitness goal does make the time pass with a bit more interest. I’m planning on scaling a famous peak this summer, so I’ve got to get ready for that. Like you, I’m hoping to have a few short trips close to home between now and my big trip in June. Hope your spring is fruitful, fun, and full of travel!
Oooh I can’t wait to hear about which peak you are going to be scaling! Sounds exciting! I’m going to be writing about the trips that I take on my own blog. It seems like a great way to just organize my thoughts and be able to remember all those cool things that happen on my trips that I forget if I don’t write down haha. Going to California in May and hoping to take a weekend trip somewhere close by this spring as well, Omaha or Cincinnati, so I am getting excited. Good luck with your fitness training!
Excellent ideas. I also like to read blogs about people who are out there exploring and travelling. Really makes the time to pass by. My last trip was 2010 (tear)! And, I feel horrible about that. I have a few small trips planned for this year but they are dependent on other people and can change (that is why I like to do the solo thing) and a big trip at the end of the year to look forward to but they are all long months away.
Thank goodness my new home has a mountain of travel opportunities as it is so pretty but I have to wait for the warmer months to really capture the beauty of it all. I wonder if I can save enough in that time to get a Nikon? Something cheap-ha, if that is possible?! As soon as spring rises, I am taking weekend trips in and around my township and beyond. I am actually excited to take a few over night trips and spend time in B&B’s and explore all the green and fresh space. Thank you for igniting my passion as it was on a slow simmer for a while.
Oh, Rhona! 2010? I weep for and with you. So glad you’re going to have the chance to travel soon! I’ll be taking lots of local trips in the spring too. Looking forward to seeing your pictures!
I love these ideas. I honestly would have never thought about a fitness challenge as a way to beat the travel blues, but it makes sense. I can definitely attest to sharing someone else’s travel joy. I’m actually helping a friend plan her first big trip to Europe, and it’s been a lot of fun, even though I won’t be able to go with her.
Thanks, Alouise! Fitness goals give me something to look forward to! Hope you’re having fun helping your friend plan her trip!