What’s the best time to book a flight?
Search the internet for guidance on buying an airplane ticket and you’ll get all sorts of advice. Buy early on a Tuesday. Buy two months before your planned travel dates. Buy during a full moon on days ending in “y.” Okay, I made that last one up. My point? There’s lots of information available about the best time to book a flight, but here’s one more piece of advice you probably aren’t expecting: the best time to book a flight is right now.
From Planning to Doing
This isn’t advice for bargain hunters or deal-makers. It’s not the best suggestion if you’re looking to find cheap flights. Instead, it’s a word of wisdom for every person out there who’s been planning their first solo trip for months or even years and finding it hard to make the leap.

Even though I’ve been a frequent solo traveler since 2009, I still remember the fear and uncertainty of planning–and pulling off–a trip by yourself. You’re likely overwhelmed by all of the details and concerned about things like safety and loneliness. I recall vividly what planning my first solo travel experience was like, so when I hear others express the same fears and misgivings I experienced, I can absolutely empathize.
I’ve been there. I know too well how easy it is to feed the fear and put off traveling. I know the excuses we tell ourselves. “I’m too busy.” “It’s too self-indulgent.” “I can’t afford it.” While you may have some valid concerns that could prevent you from following through on your travel plans, one thing I’ve learned over the years is that once I take the leap and book a flight, or buy the train ticket, or secure the hotel room, all the excuses fall away and everything else seems to fall into place.
Ready to start putting your solo travel plans into action? I’d love to hear where you’re planning to go!