Hey, everyone! I’m finally off adventuring again, this time on the West Coast of the United States. Join me as I drive almost the entire length of the Pacific Coast, from San Diego to Seattle, and hit some highlights in between.
Things didn’t start out so well last night. My flight, which was scheduled to leave at around 8:30 pm didn’t push back from the gate until a few minutes before midnight. Yes, we sat on the tarmac for over three hours, with regular updates from the cockpit about the mechanical part that was missing from the plane that we simply couldn’t fly without (gee, thanks?). Pilots made up for it though, getting us to San Diego in four and a half hours instead of the scheduled six. But today’s a new day, the first day of this new adventure, and I can’t wait!
Hope you’re following along on Facebook (yeah, there’s a new Facebook page for the new Wanderlust for One and I’d love for you to join the growing community there), Twitter, and Tumblr plus a few Instagram photos thrown into the mix. Stay tuned for some of my crazy as hell observations from one of my favorite regions of the world!
xx (no kisses, just hugs ‘cuz I don’t know yet how you really feel about me 🙂 )
As an Australian, the first place most of us hit when we reach the United States is the west coast, unless of course you go the stopover at Hawaii. So this is going to be an awesome ride to follow you on. My friend Shamash from the UK did a similar road trip in a Mustang a couple of years ago and the photos he took we absolutely amazing. I wish you a happy and safe trip and I look forward to seeing what you come up with on your blog:)
Matt–I’m having an amazing time so far. Loved LA (nobody’s more surprised to say that than I) and the next leg of the trip is taking me northward on Pacific Coast Highway. The scenery so far is jaw dropping! And it seems around every corner is a vista better than the one before. Yes, the route so far is definitely recommended! Hope you give it a go sometime!
Yay!!! So exciting! This is going to be a great trip for you. Looking forward to reading all about it. And yes I got a nice intro to LA traffic myself 🙂 as well. Have fun!
Ah, yes–LA traffic. Seems like there’s no way around it. And I’m having a blast–can’t wait to share all.
So are you coming to SF again? Email me with the dates if you are! Bon voyage!
Will do. I’ll send you an email in a bit. 🙂
Welcome to the left coast!! Please wave as you pass Costa Mesa (at the end of the 55, not far from John Wayne Airport and between PCH and the 405).
Wishing you an incredible adventure (c:
Will do in a couple of days. Loving this beautiful SoCal weather!
Wheeeee!!! I am so excited for you. Have a great time and I will be following you big time.
Thanks, Rhona. Now that I’ve had a good night’s sleep, I’m feeling ready to tackle LA. See what happens next!
Annnnd she’s off! Congrats and bon voyage! I can’t wait to see how this goes. Pictures, I want lots and lots of pictures. 🙂
Thanks, Gray! Having a blast so far, except for a well-timed intro to traffic in LA!