Before the Space Needle, there was Smith Tower.
Seattle’s first skyscraper, Smith Tower–with its pyramid-shaped roof and 38 floors–opened in 1914 and was then the tallest building in the Seattle skyline until the construction of the Space Needle in 1962. Although many of the buildings downtown now dwarf the once-imposing edifice, the Tower’s place in Seattle history make it a hidden gem among the city’s more popular attractions.
During my time in Seattle last summer, I visited the tower after learning about it on a narrated cruise of Elliott Bay. I was intrigued by a single feature mentioned in the presentation: a wishing chair, housed on the tower’s 35th floor as a gift from the Last Empress of China. As the legend goes, any single woman who sincerely wished to be married could sit in that chair and her wish would be fulfilled within a year.
I’m a bit ashamed to say it, but I hightailed it over to Smith Tower and sat in the wishing chair twice for good measure.

Guess what? It worked.
Except I didn’t marry a person. I married a city.
My Reasons for Radio Silence
It’s no secret I tend to keep things close to the vest but if you’ve been reading between the lines, this announcement will not come as a surprise. Because you get it. Because you understand. Like when I said I hoped to spend a lot more time on the West Coast this year or when I mentioned how much I wanted to get back to Seattle or when I wrote I needed to take some risks to chase the kind of life I wanted.
I’ve been talking about taking risks for over a year. Well, I did it.
I moved to Seattle.

This move has been coming for a long time. I fell in love with the Pacific Northwest over a decade ago and shortly after, even before I’d ever set foot in the Emerald City, I’d settled on Seattle as the place where I wanted to spend my life. Television footage of the quiet beauty of Puget Sound, the grandeur of the surrounding mountains, and the hills draped in cascading evergreens cast a spell on me that’s never been broken.
My first visit to Seattle four years ago only served to solidify my connection to this place and ignited the first real sparks of attraction. Each subsequent visit created even deeper ties and I knew in my bones one day I’d be here to stay.
And here I am.
For the first time in my life, I feel settled. For the first time in my life, I feel at home.
Maybe, as one of my friends warned, the halo effect will wear off. Maybe the honeymoon will come to a halting and unromantic end. I don’t know. The only thing I do know is right now, I’ve never been prouder of myself for taking a chance and chasing after the vision I have for my life. Maybe one day I’ll regret it but today is not that day.
I hope you’ll forgive the silence of these past three months now you know the whole story. Of course, my new location changes some things on the blog. Eventually, there’ll be day trips to Portland, long weekends in Vancouver, and perhaps I’ll finally make it to Hawaii, Alaska, New Zealand, and other long-desired destinations more easily accessed from the West Coast. Anything is possible and that’s just the way I like it.
Thanks for hanging in there with me while I worked out the details of the move and made the 9-day, 4,500-mile drive across the country (more on that soon!). I’m looking forward to interacting with you again on Facebook and Twitter and making regular posts on the site.
Wow!! How awesome for you!! Sometimes you single ladies have all the fun haha! Seriously though this is so exciting for you! And wow, what a leap of faith to take. Looking forward to reading more about that corner of the world. Congrats!
Thanks, Sere! Definitely one of the bonuses of still being single!
BTW, Tann is Glam..lol
Wow, Marsha. I’m so excited for you. I know we’ve never met, but I knew you belonged on the West Coast. For some reason, I was thinking it would be Cali though. Not to mention, I’m always excited when someone breaks away from oppressive NJ..lol! Just kidding; home is home. I know the feeling that your experiencing and it is blissful. I’ve moved quite a few times in my life before returning to the place I enjoy. I look forward to more stories and adventures. I wish you all the luck 🙂
I’ve been dying to see your response, Tann. I don’t know if you remember but earlier the year, you wrote on my FB page that I should just move to the West Coast already. You almost gave me away, lol!
Congratulations on the move! I have heard nothing but good things about Seattle and look forward to reading lots more about it.
Thanks, Lucy! I’m really looking forward to exploring more of the area as well as abroad. So excited to see where this goes!
Congratulations, Marsha! This is such a huge step. And yes, Seattle is a great jumping off point for western US and Canada travel! Can’t wait to read about all your new, exciting adventures!
Thanks, Gray. Love the fact that SoCal is 3 hours away by air, among other destinations.
Congratulations on the move. Seattle is a great city. I have family there so I have been many times. What area are you living in?
Jeff–thanks. Seattle is a great city and I’m falling more and more in love with it daily.
I won’t even comment on what a fantastic decision Seattle was because you know we’re biased!
So happy that you are living – LIVING – the vision that you have for your life. You should be very proud.
So much for you to uncover. And, yes, easy access to places like Alaska and Hawaii. I have a feeling it will be a fun, fulfilling ride, Marsha!
Yup…preaching to the proverbial choir, lol!
Good for you girlfriend! I’m always happy to see and hear when someone steps out on faith to live their dreams. Lucky for me because I want to visit Seattle and across the border to Canada! Looking forward to your new adventures…
Peace and Blessing my Sistah Friend….
Thanks so much, Alecia! It’s only been a couple of weeks but I am more in love with Seattle than ever! It is so worth the risk!
Welcome to West Coast! BIG kudos for following your heart (c:
I know a handful of souls in Emerald City and on Bainbridge Island and am happy to connect you if ya want.
Thanks for the warm welcome, Amy! We can talk more by email! 🙂
Marsha – for about a microsecond (a long time for Data) I thought you kept a secret from me that I did not see. Oh I had figured out your hints about Seattle and the way you talked about her, but getting married? that would be some secret. So after that microsecond I regained my senses and figured you would post about getting married to Seattle. Do I know you too well? Well, that is not a bad place to get married to. I can tell by your writing that you are stoked and I hope the honeymoon halo does not wear off. Perhaps you are like all Enterprise captains – married to their ship. Enjoy the voyage with your betrothed!! – Pete
Thanks, P. You’re better than beer! 🙂
Wow, I am so proud and excited for you! To move somewhere that has been pulling at you for years is a real achievement. Maybe you will find your mate and soon in this new city. I am excited to read your accounts of crossing to your new home and future trips. Summer is coming and this only means great travel adventures to come.
I totally understand about not feeling settled. I have yet to feel at home. I only have 2 recollections of feeling really at home and that would be my childhood home (in another part of my city in Ontario) and, strangely, when I was living in Stuttgart, Germany. I hoped to find that settled feeling when I moved to my current city Oct ’12 but nope, my heart is not here. I honestly think it is in Toronto as everytime I go there, I feel an amazing vibe and content. It is bustling and loud and crazy (& uber expensive) but I love it. I think my heart is there.
In any case, cannot wait for more of your darling Seattle.
Rhona–Finding a place to call home and feel at home is a strange but rewarding quest. Here’s to finding what you’re looking for! 🙂